Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rmbr when 'Andy Six' from Black Veil Brides was in 8th grade??

Several people have emailed/tweeted about this band Black Veil Brides, but I never got around to post about them because they didn't strike me as all that interesting-- just another gay, generic metalcore band with a goth edge. Nothing new to see there; move along, right?? But then I realized that I (sort of) know the singer, "Andy Sixx."

What a little hottie-- if they ever win a VMA or whatever, he should take a page out of Madonna's book and make out with Justin Bieber or Robert Pattinson on stage.

Of course, I knew him as little Andy Biersack, who was maybe 15 at the time and got his hair cut by my ex at her salon. I guess this was when he began experimenting with the scene, because I remember he brought her a drawing of Nikki Sixx (not a photo, a drawing) and said, "I want hair like this."

He's not just another pretty face, he's so dark and mysterious too!!

You can imagine my surprise when I found out that he was all grown up now, and singing for a popular (if shitty) metalcore band!! I sent my ex a link to the video because I figured she would have similar reaction. Her take? "I couldn't make it past like a minute of that gay video."