Monday, February 21, 2011

Modest Hollywood

Brooklyn represent up in the hizzle! 

Fiiiiine, I am not talking about my most beloved borough in which I was born and bred (and proud of it!). Nay, I speak of that other most fascinating Brooklyn on the planet--Brooklyn Decker. Now, I am aware that I am a chick, but omfg, this woman is ridiculously amazing...and now she's frum too! Well, figuratively speaking, of course.

So Brooklyn takes the cake double time this week as my favorite with that sparkly stunner, but I must give props to the legend herself, Ms. SJP who is rocking a super disco ball herself. All you ladies make me proud this week. I have no complaints. Keep it up!

 Brooklyn Decker (x2)

Sarah Jessica Parker

Miranda Kerr

Kerry Washington

Hailee Steinfeld

Zoe Saldana

Kate Bosworth (x2)
Even Kate bosworth is making a dual-appearance on the list this week, with quite a daring skirt! Note: not safe to wear to work--risk of puncturing coworker. Cute boots though!

Diane Kruger