Monday, March 14, 2011

The Legendary Miss Britney Spears

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It's crazy to me that I've been following Britney Spears' career for about 13 years now. For over half my life she has been there. Britney was my first pop culturally influential person. She's affected the lives a millions and keeps on going and going and going...and going. While her life may have been a hot mess in the past and she often never looks "on" on her days off, when the right people are there, her imagery and photos become iconic. Her performance costumes, magazine covers, and red carpet attire are legendary.

Her personal woes may have humbled her in some eyes and others may look at her as having the Marilyn Monroe syndrome. Such is the life of an uber-celebrity, but what I find amazing is that a human being always shines through her often overly controlled image and auto-tuned-to-death pop music (which I love, thankyouverymuch). Deep down, it's Britney who knows what she's doing. Whatever the case, America will never stop loving her, never stop hating her, never stop talking about her, never stop trying to pry her open. Britney will never completely fall down.

For the girl who's never known life without fame and the girl who's never known life without her famous pop princess, here's to Femme Fatale. I look forward to the soon-to-be iconic looks to come from it that I will, at the age of 20, be in awe of forever just the like the first time little me came across the Baby One More Time video. In the words of Kurt Hummel from Glee, "Britney Spears is pop culture." Viva la Britney, y'all!

Source: I've had the pictures saved on my computer, no exact sources.