Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Black Hats and Payos

Looking for a little Orthodox Inspiration?

Apparently, so was St. Bessarion, a designer who used our most beloved religion's ultra-orthodox garb for his latest fashion line. Click on this article to read about how the designer used the Haredi and black-hat uniform for inspiration for his Moscow Fashion Week line.

I'm not quite sure how well this will fly among our brethren--girls in guy's clothing? Girls not dressed tzniut? Unmarried girls covering their hair? SO many halachic faux-pas! Nah, I kid! It's interesting to see how some people draw their inspirations, and I would ten times prefer this to walk down the runway than a Dior, John Galliano hate inspired 'masterpiece'.

I sorta kinda love it! Sorta. Keep it coming