Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Police sets Ariel as suspect hot video case

Jakarta – Police is officially sets Ariel as suspect in the case of hot video. Ariel snared related pornography actions.

"Yes I have," said Kabareskrim Mabes Polri Komjen Pol Ito Sumardi when in contact detikhot via cell phone, Tuesday (22/06/2010).

Ariel is now in Police Headquarters. He is still undergoing examination. Ariel had already undergone a series of examinations related hot video with a number of female artist.

Ariel submit himself to the Police Headquarters

Police Headquarters has set Nazriel Irham aka Ariel as suspect cases related to the circulation of hot videos like himself. On this determination, Ariel went directly to Police Headquarters.

"He's here now. It is not surrender but delivered (by the power law). He is with us at the headquarters," said Pol Kabareskrim Komjen Ito Sumardi told detikcom, Tuesday (06/22/2010) at 9:35 pm.

Ito stated, Ariel is determined as a suspect starting today. "He has been suspect, from today," he explained.

Ariel is now located at Police Headquarters with his legal adviser for review. Ariel previously been examined at Police Headquarters last Friday as a witness.

Ariel's surrender to the police because he was aware of the law

Police is formally determine Ariel as a suspect case of hot video start Tuesday (06/22/2010) this. The former vocalist of Peterpan surrendered to Police Headquarters as litigious because he was aware of the law.

"He gave himself that he was aware of the law," said Wakadiv Humas Mabes Polri Brigjen Zainuri Lubis when met at Police Headquarters, Jalan Trunojoyo, South Jakarta, Tuesday (22/06/2010).

Ariel gave himself up to police three o'clock in the morning accompanied by his lawyer. Police snare singer “Menghapus Jejakmu”with alleged violations of the Law on Pornography. However, police did not explain where the subject article.

Is Ariel confessed to the police if the man in the hot video to him?

"When there is a description surrender, we do not need recognition. With our surrender will be understood better," he added.

Until now only Ariel that named as a suspect. Meanwhile, Luna Maya and Cut Tari still as a witness.