Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Big Bang!

Yesterday was a really exciting day for me because on a whim, I posted my blog on Mayim Bialik's wall... and she wrote back to me!!

It wasn't for a plug or publicity at all, but because I genuinely thought Mayim would be interested in what my blog had to offer. For those of you who don't know who Mayim is, she's a fabulous actress who I used to watch as a kid on Blossom, and now get to watch as an adult on The Big Bang Theory (an Emmy winning show!) She also happens to be a religious Jew and a fan of this little thing we call modesty, and that's genuinely why I shared my blog with her, and am happy to say she likes it!

I spend a lot of time on Modest Hollywood picking out the girls who one day decided to put on a long sleeved shirt and a skirt, but Mayim makes a conscious effort to dress the part (pun intended) on a daily basis. Her Emmy dress wowed last week, and deserves a post all it's own!

Thanks for being a fan, Mayim, and thanks for staying true to your beliefs in a town and business as tough as yours.

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