Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Modest Hollywood

Happiness is being in Disney World, which is where I am right now! Seriously, I cannot stress the happiness factor right now. Happiness is also seeing all these fabulous and stunning women being their gorgeous, modest selves. I absolutely adore Eva Mendes' outfit (those wedges!), and Yvonne Strahvoski's dress makes me swoon. This is me swooning! 
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Eva Mendes

Jennifer Garner

Elizabeth Olsen

Yvonne Strahvoski

Amy Poehler

Lena Heady

Chloe Moretz

Evan Rachel Wood
That shirt is super low cut for a good frum girl like you and me, but you gotta admit that all things cosnidered, she's pretty modest.

Angelina Jolie

Rashida Jones

Jamie King
WTH? The 'H" is for Heidi.

Molly Simms

Kirsten Dunst
I post this only as another example of that sheer top that's super popular now. #JewishFashionistaProblems

January Jones

Lindsay Lohan
Dare I say it?? Hath the day dawned upon us when such a hot mess doth grace us with modest attire? Heck I'm just happy she doesn't look strung out on crack and cocaine. Baby steps.

Jane Fonda