Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Metallic Item of the Day

I especially love posting items that I have purchased and/or own myself, which is why I bring you this item today. If you read back to my Israel post from yesterday, you'll see I mentioned a Mango skirt that I bought for what I thought was only two dollars; alas, it was $70, but to my complete and utter delight, I got it cheaper in Israel than it is here in America. SUCCESS!

This metallic mango skirt is the epitome of comfort and glam, and it looks so fluid and shiny. It has an elastic waistband, so this skirt could be worn up high or down low--wherever you prefer. It can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion: for example, I tried it on with a white tank top and a denim jacket jacket for a mare casual look, but then switched it to a fancy sequin top for night time. Totally versatile!
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