Saturday, April 17, 2010

A little talk with Austin

Well if you read Bri's post you would know who Austin is. Well he made a move on Bri the other day, and I was not okay with that. Bri is my baby sister. If you mess with her, I'll mess you up. I told Bri that Darry, Dallas, and I where going to have a "talk" with Austin. She protested at first but I convinced her that we would be safe and there was nothing 2 worry about. We would just talk to him,but if he started something we are allowed to fight him. Then she wanted to come, and I just dont know what I'd do if she got hurt, so i said "No" We got there at 8pm not to late. Dallas went to talk to the rest of there gang, while Darry and I looked for Austin. He was in the back lighting a cigarette. "Who are you?" he said in a harsh voice. I knew he was just trying to look tuff, to a regular person he probably did, but not me. "Im Mark. Bri's brother." I said with little emotion. Darry introduced himself and said we needed to have a talk with him. Austin had us sit down on the couch, he sat infront of us on a bar stool. Darry did most of the talking from there. Just looking at the guy made me want to kill him, and Bri wouldn't talk to me ever again if I did so I just looked down at my shoelaces. Then I started counting the puke stains on the rug. I listen to every word that came out of Austins mouth. He said he didn't know Bri had a boyfriend, that she never told him. Which I knew was a lie. When Darry was done talking I said "I dont want you to touch her, you got that?" I said giving Austin the death stare.

"To bad we already had fun in my bed." Austin said smiling

"Shut up, unless you want me to make you." I said straightening up

"What are you going to do Mr.Pettite?"

After that I decited to show him what I'd do. I knocked him off the stool. When he hit the ground it got quite. Dallas and Austin's gang ran into the room, to see what happened. I jumped on Austin and started punching him like crazy. Austin is stronger then he looked and it seemed like we took turns punching each other. Before I knew it everyone was fighting in the room. The rug would now have more then just puke stains. I dont know when it ended. I know i beat the shit out of Austin. He was basically crying, he promised me he wouldn't bother Bri anymore. Darry drove us home after that, we got what we needed out of us. In the car Dallas was complaining about how his hand hurt. I guess you should be in a fight if your hand is shattered. Bri, I think we solved that problem.