Darry and I decided we were going to go to the bar tonight. I needed a girlfriend, being single just ain't my thing. Well I invited Johnny to come with, he needs a girl too. And he's a pretty cool kid. We knew the bar owner so, he had no problem with Johnny. It was getting close to 10:30 and the bar closes at 11:30 on weekdays. I didn't think we would find anyone. I met some where girls, but I tried to follow Bri's rule "No bringing home slutty little whores" So those girls where out. Johnny found a girl though her name was Tori. She seemed like a nice blonde. Smarter then most blondes, Johnny didn't really let me talk to her too much cause he knows how I got a thing for blondes. She was real cute. They both liked......muffins. Haha! It was the first question Johnny asked her. I was gonna go home after that, I was thinking maybe tonight just wasn't my night. As I was walking out I heard these girls talking. Their laughter was too loud to ignore. I looked up and thats where I saw Dani. She was with three other girls, dont get me wrong they where pretty but something about Dani that I liked. I walked over and talked to them for awhile. She was funny as well as hot. Weirdly enough she wasn't a blonde. I guess theres a first 4 everything. She was telling me she was in this band, and she traveled lots of places. London, New York, L.A....... It was really cool. I cant tell you what happened after that, but it was a pretty wild night!
Heres a pic of Tori: