Tuesday, June 22, 2010


"Mark, you okay?" I was pacing through the house. I looked all over, I picked up the rug like I thought she'd be hiding under there. I kept running up stairs to her empty room, I kept thinking, she is there, her stuff is there, Im just not thinking clearly.
"Mark!" Stella said stopping my as I ran down the stairs. "She's not here, how is she not here." I pushed her out of the way and looked into the closet for at least the 50th time.
"Well where could she have gone?" Stella said following me around the house. "I dont know! I was at work, she could be in Cali by now!" I said looking out the window. "We'll find her, its okay Mark." She said trying to caume me down. I stopped infront of the mirror. I hair was messed up, it reminded me of the first time I walked through the doors of this house. I looked like shit, my eyes were bright red, me hair looked like I had rubbed a ballon on my head for an hour. I remeber that day all to well. It was the day Bre and I ran away, also know as the day my mom died. That was the first day I wore sunglasses in the house. (Ever wonder why I wear them all the time) This time though, when I looked down at the table the mirror was on, I picked up my car keys, and threw them at the mirror. It shattered more then I thought it would. Stella screamed "Mark are you okay?"
"Please go, I'll call you later." I said not looking at her. I started heading towards the fridge. I heard her say "Bye Mark I love you" and close the door.
I took out a bottle of beer. "Like father like son." I said drinking most of it down in the first sip. I was good at holding in my feelings, they are mine and I do not need to share them. I went back up to Bre's room. I sat on her bed remembering how she cried every night for 3 months when we first moved here, and how I used to hold her and just let her cry. I saw a photo on the floor. Are dad was just starting to become a druggy, he looked a little normal. My mom looked so happy. It was my birthday, I think it was my 8th. I was blowing out the candles. Bre was 4 or 5. She was in Mom's arms. It was the last year my dad accually bought me a present. His face had proud father all over it. I moved a tv into Bre's move and puting some of are old family tapes. I must of went threw 2 cases of beer. (Thats unhealthy) but I watched all of the movies. Mark then called Darry, he needed a ride somewhere. Mark couldn't drive at the moment.