Sunday, August 29, 2010

10 things I love about Breanna

10. She's my sister. I have to love her.

9. She likes to be different.

8. She doesn't care what people think. Even if your trying to help her -.-

7. Her name is Breanna. Brianna, cause that one is just over used.

6. She's a stripper and enjoys it :P

5. She can teach her stripper moves to Stella :D

4. She's takes care of Bazzy so I dont have too.

3. She always comes to me when something happened and she needs help. (Im not 100% sure thats a good thing.)

2. She says whats on her mind. A.K.A She likes to bitch at people, and thats fun to watch.

2 1/2. She doesn't bitch at me

1. She loves me. Yeah , we fight. A LOT. When we do fight it only lasts a few minutes. she's part of my family, I can always count on her. I wouldn't trade her for anything.....well maybe a life suplies of alcohol. No, I changed mind I'd much rather have her. I love my little sister and I'd do anything for her.