Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Heal Me. I mean, Heel Me

 I still remember going for my first pair of "heels" when I was 12 years-old. Let me set the scene for you:

Bat Mitzvah Season is in full swing!  I need cute shoes.
The Store: Payless Shoe Source
Credit Card Holder: Mom
Size of Heel I Want: 2 1/2 Inches
Size of Heel My Mom Wants: "A sensible shoe for dancing, sweetheart."
Ultimate Decider of Shoe Purchase: Mom

Needless to say, I walked out of that store with an 'adorable', age-appropriate pair of black patent leather Mary-Janes that barely qualified as a flat, let alone a heel, but oh well. (Oh ya, and I got a pair of sneakers that light up when you walk. I know, I was so cool.)

Fast forward about 13 years, and I am sitting in an office with 3 1/2 inchers on my feet, and I feel like sometimes I put JLo to shame. I mean, we all know the diva can take a pretty picture on the red carpet with her heels, but can she go up and down six flights of stairs to deliver deadlines? I don't think so.

Now, you might be asking yourself,  "What is a Jewish girl doing in heels outside of shul?!". I know, the risque factor alone just screams 'but are you sure she's frum?!'. 
It's a well known "rule" that unless you are wearing a ballet flat, you are venturing into either "fancy/wedding" territory, or you are just not a frummie. The ballet flat is a staple in every frum Jewish girl's closet. Some have more ballet flats then they do bras, which is really crazy when you think about it.  I am here to shatter that stereotype. Wearing a sensible heel to work is not against the rules, girls! Just make sure they are work appropriate and they are comfortable enough to withstand your nine-to-five lifestyle. 

Take these, for example. A classic black pump that you can't go wrong with. Subtle, simple and clean, they will match almost anything you own and give you the professional height you are looking for (pun intended).

Michael by Michael Kors Harness Pump.
(P.S. I have these. I wear them everyday. They rock.)

Wedges totally count as a heel, by the way. These are adorable (and bonus on the extra support and comfort):
Should you feel the need to indulge in these, click here.

So, to all my ballet flat-wearing Jewesses, I challenge you to break free from of those flats. I totally understand the comfort level that comes with a cute Tory Burch "Reva" ballerina flat, but let's face it; wearing flats  is a statement of your religiosity: "Look! I'm wearing flats! I'm frum, now let me marry your son!" We can all spot a frummie by how non-existent her heel is. I challenge you to go into that corner of your closet relegated for "High Holy Days ONLY" and pull out that killer pair of heels and wear them to work. Or even around your house. If you feel you must start with kitten heel, I completely understand; sometimes baby steps are necessary in cases like these...especially if you're going to do it in heels.