Sunday, December 26, 2010

There is a new ADTR album but it kind of sux and sounds like Jimmy Eat World

Whenever a band says something along the lines of "our new album is way more mature than our older stuff," that means they suck now. Usually it's because they got up their own asses and decided that they want to be "artists," and forgot that they play music for middle-class suburban teenagers-- for example, think about how shitty and gay the self-titled Blink-182 album is compared to "Enema of the State."

I srsly think this sounds like a slightly heavier version of Jimmy Eat World or maybe Rise Against-- in other words, completely gay bullshit for chubby beardos who drive Volkswagens and work at Whole Foods and get their feelings hurt all the time

Such is the case for A Day To Remember, who were easily my favorite band of the last 5 years until now. "Homesick" was the pinnacle of easycore, combining catchy pop-punk melodies with cock-smashing deathcore breakdowns, all wrapped in crystal-clear, polished production, but their new album is really boring. Now that I think about it, it seems likely that "Homesick" will be their only good album- I know a lot of people think their first two albums are better, but they sound kind of amateurish to my ears.

This is the only song on the album that I like, and it's just OK-- the intro is pretty gay and wimpy

It's not just their music that's become boring and gay: I read the interview they did in the last issue of AP, and they seem like a bunch of crybaby fags, which could explain why this album sounds so weaksauce. The whole interview is basically the singer crying about other bands hating on them, breaking up with his girlfriend, being on tour, and a bunch of other bullshit that makes him come off like a huge pussy that breastfed until he was 6 years old.

"You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic" is the requisite song title that makes a pop culture reference to something that's too old for the band members to know about (I can only assume they look these things up on Wikipedia using the iPhones their parents pay for)

Someone should tell these kids to man up, quit being so sensitive, and write some more songs that get the party started. Being a mopey, sad fggt with a beard is definitely not cool. They're 22-23 years old and in a popular band- they should be living it up, banging easycore groupies and having the time of their lives, not pissing and moaning like angsty, chubby teenage girls. Acting sensitive and complaining all the time is for chicks, and I think I speak for the entire male population of the planet when I say that the last fucking thing I need is more complaining and whining. I only put up with that from my girlfriend because she has sex with me and cooks dinner for us.

What do u think of the new ADTR?? Will this album be their most popular, even though it kind of sucks? Do you think Jeremy sounds like a whiny, pussy, beta???