Thursday, January 6, 2011

Are there any more good EASYCORE bands??

Mirin ur DIY easycore hat, brah

It's hard to remember that long ago, but back in 2010 I had high hopes for easycore. But after being disappointed by the latest releases from ADTR, Set Your Goals, and The Wonder Years, I'm beginning to wonder if the genre has run its course-- too many 21 year-old fat kids with beards, an appetite for Goonies references and recycled New Found Glory riffs, not enough good bands.

Thanks to cookingham for this video

Don't get me wrong, there are still a few decent bands left- Chunk No Captain Chunk and Me Vs Hero are my current favorites- but most of the newer ones don't do a lot for me. Aside from the abundance of pot bellies and beards, the main issue I have is that most of the newer bands sound more or less like shitty, generic 90s pop punk bands (like the stuff Fearless Records put out before they became a scene label) with equally shitty, generic breakdowns arbitrarily inserted. That's not easycore, that's a shit sandwich.

Typical easycore fan- 30 lbs overweight, taking MySpace pictures in the bathroom of his parents' townhouse, dressed like a spread from the Hot Topic catalog. Will most likely be a stoner or Municipal Waste-style "thrash kid" within two years.

I miss the salad days of 2009, when easycore was fresh and new, when it seemed like there the possibilities were endless... when A Day To Remember didn't sound like Rise Against. Was it all just a fluke? Will we look back on "Downfall Of Us All" as the apex of the genre, the history books recording that song as the moment at which easycore peaked? Is it all downhill from there? I don't want to get all emo, bros, but I'm a little bummed. I thought easycore was special, but maybe I was wrong... miss u easycore. RIP "Homesick."

What new easycore bands are you excited about?? Why are there so many fat kids who listen to Four Year Strong? Why would a 21 year-old kid want to grow a beard????