So I've recently moved to San Antonio, Texas due to family "stuff". I was apprehensive, depressed, angry, etc. over this decision. I still am. But this all besides the point. To me, the South is only someplace I go when traveling from one place to the other or to watch movies about. Everything always seemed backwards here to me; people saying y'all (with no irony intended), the Dallas Cowboys, football in general, country music, religion... The things I love aren't appreciated here like my love of black (Johnny Cash, you lied), hockey!, and mostly fashion. When I tell people what I studied in school, it's met with a chuckle.
So what does a girl from Jersey/NYC, who lived in LA for 3 years, and calls Pittsburgh her home away from home supposed to do for the next 6 months? I wouldn't mind it if everything was stereotypical, like my list above, because then I would have something to be connected to. I know, I know, making assumptions is often wrong, but that's life. It ain't all Friday Night Lights here, y'all (irony intended). But there's a hint of it. Highway cops wear cowboy hats, it's always humid, malls have gun control signs, gas stations always have the Best of Country on.
I've started re-reading On the Road and watching Country Strong (praise Queen Gwyneth) to guide me through my life right now and sourcing inspiration from the photos above because I can be what the stereotypical South should be, for now, with a mix of my Big City Life tossed in, a somewhat caricature of myself. Flannels, denim, boots (non-cowboy), ripped shirts, American Flag Litas, my kimono that has a decided Down South feel.
Hey, if Miley Cyrus, Hilary Duff, Beyoncé, and Britney Spears can make it through a Southern upbringing, I can make it through my time here and preach my religion of choice along the way - fashion. Praise Vogue. Amen.
Photo source: saved on my computer