Sunday, November 27, 2011

Black Friday Item of the Day

Hello friends! How was your Black Friday?? I hope eventful and lucrative!

How was mine you ask? FREAKIN AWESOME!

I didn't go hog wild or nothin --just a few skirts, some accessories, a cardigan. Ya know-- same old, same old!

I shall share with you one adorable purchase from Macy's that I am positively smitten for and am going to make today's item of the day, because it's stupendous. It's a unique skirt from Rachel Roy in that the whole top of the skirt is crocheted sweater material and the bottom half is chiffon and ribbon pleating. I know it may look a little weird to some of you, but it's SO adorable on.

Please take a moment to fall in love... then purchase!

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