Thursday, December 16, 2010

Can u dig 2010 ?

I've been extremely busy chasing my first million $, so I haven't taken the time lately to check out new one man low-fi vacuum cleaner porn slam or hollywood drop-top teen punk bands. I feel like 2010 was kind of disappointing- I didn't catch as many great shows as I thought I would and there weren't many stand out releases. I feel like scene is dying quickly and I'm worried that I'll have nothing to listen to once the high-schoolers lose interest and the merch money dries up. Is this stuff still popular?

Do you dig the new ADTR? It seems like these guys had tons of momentum last year and then released an album nobody cared about- even if it was a top seller. I really like the song, and the general radio rock angle they are going for- kinda want them to go on a summer ampitheater tour with Rise Against so I can overpay for beers and get burned up like a lobster.

How am I just finding out about All Out like last week? Probably cause I'm old, but they came out in 2009 and I'm hoping that they haven't moved on to something else yet. These boys from New England can rap really well and have great pop choruses. You can listen to their mixtape on Dat Piff, which I have done several times and just want to move to LA and listen 2 this all day. My photographer showed me this band, which is real confusing because he has a beard and I thought he liked indie-rock or something.

I <3 the singer cause he looks totes like Seth Rogen and that guy is hi-fucking-larious. Hey when life gives you lemons, grow a jew-fro, press the auto-tune button, and watch the pussy line up. People will probably compare this to 3OH!3, who I can appreciate for bridging the scene/pop gap but just not that into the music at the end of the day. Not young enough to be doing what they are doing imo.

That song is called Lights, so I thought I would check out that girl Lights and try and see if I liked her. Long story short I thought she was cuter and didn't really vibe with her guest spot on the Bring Me The Horizon album. But hey, this bitch has 3.5 million views on youtube, so who am I to judge. Can u dig it?

Maybe you are a sexually repressed teen and like your music with a bit of a harder edge. I wrote about Worthwhile ages ago, and they haven't done much with themselves since then, but have put up this ep. Pretty good stuff, but a bit anti-climactic and it sounds like they have been listening to T.R.C. I really am starting to hate bands that can't write an lp, because I'm sick of changing my ipod at the gym every 5 songs. Pray that these X-ians find enough creativity to write a full length.

Chunk No, Captain Chunk! released an album that I was all stoked about until I realized that the ep before the album had all the good songs on it. Again, very anti-climactic and they haven't came over to the USA for a show, so I've completely lost interest. They are a French band, so I was expecting more wine, cheese, and Dior in the video, not a bunch of skinny white fgtz dancing funny. Check it out for yourself and let me know what you think...

Pierce the Veil is one of those bands that I really didn't want to like. At some point they clicked with me and I thought their newest album Selfish Machines was the most annoying piece of amazingness released this year.

I'm stoked to see them at a really small venue in January, but I thought they were much more popular because their shirts are everywhere!?

Rise Records is putting out way too much stuff. I can't keep up with it and seems like every other band they sign is from Columbus. I'll probably see these guys working at Sephora @ Polaris Mall this time next year while my girlfriend buys makeup, but this is Columbus' own My Ticket Home and Like Moths to Flames:

They sound pretty much like the same band 2 me and I can't understand what they are saying. Did Miss May I sell any records this year? I'm almost positive this music is almost over with, which is probably why Rise is signing poppier bands like Sharks:

Cool, makes me want to drink a Guinness with my British friends, act all working class, mb slick my hair back all cool and rock a dangly earring.

So what's next for 2011? Was 2010 a dud of a year for music? What should I be into? I don't like any of the bands or albums on AP's list, so do I have bad taste?