Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kitty Lea – Sexy Poker Chic

Kitty Lea Poker

More and more hot poker babes are getting involved to poker, nowadays. Some of them are playing just for fun while others are taking it seriously as their way to make money. Like Kitty Lea, a multi-talented girl from Lincoln UK. Kitty Lea is a model, actress and a DJ and now one of the newest sexy poker chic in the industry making her own money.

Kitty Lea was first introduced to poker through her ex-boyfriend, who is actually a professional poker player. Kitty likes to play poker as often as her schedule allows, or when she is in the mood: “I don’t want to be playing when I’m tired and grumpy as I will just end up losing,” Kitty Lea says.

In an interview about Kitty Lea and her interests in poker at PokerNews, she talks about being so gaga at the game of poker and how she deals the game with other guys:

If you could meet any poker player in the world dead or alive who would it be and what would you say to them?
Kitty Lea: Hahaha I guess id meet my ex and challenge him and hopefully thrash him!

What do you wear to play poker and do you find it affects your game?
Kitty Lea: Well last time I did my live game I was wearing a very nice dress and considering it was a room full of guys you can imagine it turned some heads.

Have you or would you ever play strip poker?
Kitty Lea: Actually I haven’t but I’m very keen to start, any offers?

If you were stranded on a desert island what three items would you take with you?
Kitty Lea: Shampoo? Haha errr well there would be no electric, oh a toothbrush! And a bottle of vodka .

Do you find it harder or easier when it is all men at the poker table apart from you?
Kitty Lea: Well it’s more fun!

Who in your opinion is the hottest poker player male or female?
Kitty Lea: hahah no comment!

Does being good looking make people behave differently to you when playing poker? ....and do they assume you're not as smart as them?
Kitty Lea: Well I’m sure I have all of that to come in time. If it makes me win then I’m all for it, other wise I might have to grow a beard and shave my hair off. And often in online poker I find people think I’m a total idiot so its fun taking their money. It’s like one great big power trip I never want to end. And hopefully with time it won't!

Kitty Lea's Photos

Kitty LeaKitty LeaKitty Lea
Kitty LeaKitty LeaKitty Lea