Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Modest Hollywood

I feel obliged to share with all my loyal readers that I am a Twilight fan. True, I do not bow down to Justin Bieber, I have no idea what 'Emo' is, and I gave up on Hannah Montana long ago,  but alas, the teeny-bopper inside of me rages with vampire and werewolf drama as strong as any 12 year old. FYI: I was always Team Edward.

Last night was the premiere of Breaking Dawn, Part 1 in LA, and a couple of ladies got it so right-- namely my favorite resident Jewess, Mayim Bialik! Kudos to Mayim on managing to capture the whimsy and mystery of the sultry story in her outfit. Dark hues, shiny accents--everything a diamond sparkling vampire could ask for.  Way to be age appropriate and on trend while still looking every bit the classy lady! I must say that it's refreshing to have a go-to star who I can always count on to get it right. Modesty is not dead! Vampires, however, are. Life lessons, my friends.

P.S. I'm borderline obsessed with that blue velvet trim! It's the shock value of the whole outfit that still manages to be subtle.

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