Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Long and Short of It

I must say that when I was younger, I hated being short. Now, I find that the whole damsel-in-distress, "Oh, that shelf is ever so high, whatever shall I do?" thing is totally awesome. But alas, it does have it's drawbacks--for one, not being able to actually reach the shelf. Then there is the whole Maxi dress issue. I love me some long dresses and skirts, but being the petite little Jewess that I am, I look ridiculous swimming in a dress meant for the leggy-inclined. 

Frankly, my dears, I don't give a damn, so I am going to promote maxi dresses anyway. Here are more than a few celebs (petite ones at that!) who have been sporting the maxi dress/gown, and now you can get it too.
Victoria Beckham

Beau Garret

Olivia Wilde

Kristen Ritter

Isabelle Lucas

Kate Bosworth

Wanna maxi up your style? Try these, some of which are fancy, some not. Many are low cut, but use your discretion in how you want to cover up.Clearly, this is more of spring/summer attire--Dear winter, I hate you. Moving on.

This dress is STUNNING, especially if you are going to need a dress as a bridesmaid. I included a detail shot here because it is just so damn pretty.

Pretty. I would get those sleeves adjusted, but otherwise, perfection.

This is so simple and pretty, that it's too good to pass up. It also comes in three colors. Score.

I once showed you guys this one in black, but here it is in the lighter version.

Me-ow. Love it.

Can you tell I am a fan of ASOS? They have the cutest clothing known to womankind. And free shipping both ways. Feel free to browse other stores, and if you need recommendations, I am at your service. To all my tall ladies, this post was for you, because you pull this off ten times better than I ever will.

Btw, if there are any fellas in the house who wanna help me reach that shelf, that would be great. I really am short--but you know what they say:  

Great things come in small packages.