Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm Bringing Sexy Back

I know this may be hard to believe, but there is one item that I secretly find adorable that has been shunned by trendy frummies everywhere...especially the non married ones. It's the snood.

OK, now before you shudder at the idea, like in the picture below, in the 1930's and 40's, the hair snood was super popular; I happen to think these hair accessories should make a fashionable (yet modern) comeback.

Don't get me wrong, you married folk can have the snoods that cover every strand of hair--we understand your plight. However, there are some cute snood-like hair accessories that are so adorable, if they were food, they would only be described as scrumptious.

BUT, this comeback must be done right. You see, snoods sort of made a huge comeback in the 80's and 90's with devestating effects:

Exhibit A:

Now you can shudder.

The truth is, though, that the berets and beanies they sell in stores today are much more snood-like than you think, and are completely adorbs. You have to be willing to go for the retro look here,  but check out this snood by Patricia Field (the fashion director for Sex and the City).

To really pull this look off, you have to wear the snood toward the back of your head--otherwise you are one hairline short of "Is she married?". As for all you married ladies out there, I'm not a hater--if you want to pull off this look too, just do the same thing with your falls/sheitels. The wider the netting on the snood, the more fashion-y it is.

If I am being a bit to brazen in my 'bring-back', you can feel free to dial it down a notch, and try something more hat-like. try a knit hat like this from Free People at Nordstrom:

Now, these are certainly not for the office, and are definitely weekend-only pieces, BUT, feel free to use them as outerwear in the fall, like you would with this hat.

I know it's a brave request, but if you are willing to take the plunge with me, I suggest keeping an eye out for these accessories. They are all over the runways, and it's only a matter of time before they hit your local department store.

Snood is probably the weirdest word I have ever heard btw. Snood--it sounds like a combination of snot and dude...yup, a guy must have definitely invented these things.